I have been making objects based on jugs, vases as well as other domestic items. This is due to my interest in ”still life” as depicted in paintings and sculptures. A recent exhibition at the Hayward Gallery, London, メObjects of Desire - The Modern Still Lifeモ, 1998, proved how ”still life” has been one of the most attractive themes for painters and sculptors for many centuries.
As many painters have struggled to look for new expressions within ”still life”, it is obvious that an important role of artists is to express a surprise, a strange aspect and their own views towards the general idea or the common sense. I have been representing my view using the motif of “still life”.
And the surprises and questions that follow, creates a strong impression and interest for viewers.
My work shows an extraordinary side of our life simply yet strikingly.
There are unlimited key words I could use to describe my work; concrete and abstract, visual perception, intimacy, and instantaneity. In terms of function, the elements which suggest function produce an object that rejects function. This reflects an irony towards the society which has regarded functionalism or efficiency as most important.