The domestic objects I cast in glass reject function more directly, and are made with their handles or spouts turned in on themselves. The objects I make have never existed before. Nevertheless, the understanding that everyone has of ordinary objects helps the operation of recognition that actually happens without conscious thoughts. My work takes the form of both object and experience.
Illusive, elusive, and allusive, are all appropriate words for the kinds of image I make in cast glass based around the presence or absence of everyday shapes. The charmed transparency of thick clear glass and the way light travels through it, held up by unpolished surfaces within the images, are my means of communication.
There is also a sense in which the work takes shape of their own volition, as if they are part of a mystery that constantly surprises me. For example, the silhouette of one shape turns in on itself and disconcertingly emerges as the edge of another, inducing a sensation in the viewer comparable to having a chair taken abruptly from under him as he is about to sit down.